Saturday, February 11, 2012

Announcement :How the Muslimah Can Obtain the Sweetness of Eemaan

As'Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Al Hujjah Publication is happy to announce this gift from DTSSBC to the sisters of this blessed religion Islam entitled "How the Muslimah Can Obtain the Sweetness of Eemaan" so inform your mothers, sisters, aunts, wives and daughters... About this talk which will be given by our beloved Umm Ahmed Salwaa (may Allah preserve her) and we ask that you make Du'aa for the sisters of DTSSBC in their small efforts in helping to cultivate and educate the sisters of this blessed Ummah of Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) please spread the word...

Shaykhah Umm Ahmad Salwaa Subki (known as Ustaadhah Salwaa) (Of Madinah). She has many tazkiyaat from the ‘ulamaa and a close relation with them – especially the mashaayikh in Riyaadh. She teaches Fathul Majeed fee sharh kitaabit tawheed, jaami’ul ‘uloomi wal hikam (explanation of 40 ahaadeeth an-Nawawiyyah) and al-’aqeedah al-waasitiyyah.

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