Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ramadhân Mûbarak!

Ramadhân Mûbarak!

“When the first Night of Ramadhân commences the gates of Jannah (i.e. Paradise) are opened, and none of them are closed; and the gates of Jahannam (i.e. the abode of Hell-fire) are locked and none of them are open, and the Shayâtîn (i.e. devils) are chained. Then a crier will call out: “O seeker of good, proceed” and “O seeker of evil, desist!” And unto Allâh are those whom He frees from the Fire and this is every night.”[1]

[1] Tirmidhî V,“Kitâb us-Sawm” ‘Chapter: What Has Arrived Regarding the Virtue of Ramadhân’, Hadith  no.682; Ibn Mâjah V, “Kitâb us-Siyâm” ‘Chapter: What Has Arrived Regarding the Virtue of the Month of Ramadhân’, no.1642.

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