Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Dangers of Taqleed (Blind Following)

The Dangers of Taqleed (Blind Following)

Warning About Taqleed and its Dangers:

Linguistically Taqleed: is taken from the word Qiladah (necklace) that one helps other to wear. An example is to put necklace (of leather or iron) around the necks of cattle that one is offering for sacrifice during Hajj. Therefore, the Muqallid, is the one who makes his following of someone like putting a necklace around the neck of the person whom he following. In Islamic terminology, Taqleed means following other people’s sayings of the Messenger of Allah, asking for a Fatwaa (religious decree) from a scholar by the common folk and for the judge to accept pious people as witnesses ( in law suits), because there is proof to this exclusion.” [Irshad Al’Fu’hul].

· The above text benefits us in two ways. 

First: Taqleed is not useful knowledge.
Second: It is suitable for ignorant common folk.
To further explain these two benefits, we must weigh them according to the light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah and use the saying of the Imams. Afterwards, we must study the character of whoever indulges in Taqleed and investigate if they truly follow those whom they claim to follow.
Taqleed is not useful knowledge. Allah criticized Taqleed in many ayat of the Qur’an. This is why sayings of Imams, who rejected Taqleed, are in abundance.
Ibn Abd Al-Bar Imam of Al-Andalous ( Spain when it was under Muslim control) wrote about this subject in a separate chapter of his great book. Jami’ Bayan Al-Ilm Wa Fadhlih he said: Chapter “The Invalidity of Taqleed, Rejecting it, and the Difference Between Taqleed and Ittibaa’ (following what has an evidence to its validity) Allah criticized Taqleed in many places in His Book. He said
“They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah” [Surah 9:31]

It was narrated that Huthaifah and others said about this Ayah: “They did not worship them instead of Allah. Rather, they (rabbis and monks) legislated for them in matters of what is lawful or prohibited and they (Jews and Christians) followed them.”

Adi ibn Hatim said: ‘I came to the Messenger of Allah wearing a cross on my neck.’ I reached him when he was reciting Surah Baraa’h (chapter 9 of the Qur’an) till he reached this Ayah, “They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah” I said: Oh! Messenger of Allah, We did not take them as lords. He said: Yes, indeed! Did they naot allow for you what has been forbidden on you, and you considered them permissible, for you , and they not forbid on you what Allah made permissible for you, and you forbade them?’ I said: Yes. He said This is (your) taking them as lords.’

Sayings of the Scholars of the pass Concerning Taqleed

Ibn Al-Qayyim said: “It is impermissible to issue fatwas based on Taqleed. Taqleed is not knowledge and issuing fatwas without knowledge is impermissible. There is no division between people of knowledge that Taqleed is not knowledge. Therefore, a Muqallid cannot be called a scholar” [I’lam Al-Muwaqqi’in]

As-Suyuti said: ‘The Muqallid is not a scholar,” as Abu Al-Hasa As-Sindi narrated in his transliteration of ibn Majah’s book of Hadith Also Ash-Shawkani confirmed this in his book Irshad Al-Fu’hul saying “Taqleed is ignorance and not knowledge.”

Taken from: The Hadith is Proof Itself in Belief and Law Chapter on “Warning About Taqleed and its Dangers” pages 84-88 by: Shaikh Nasir Ad-Deen Al-Albaani

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