Monday, August 27, 2012

The Spread of Ignorance


Sheikh Fowzan said:

Ignorance is prevalent among the adolescent concerning their religion. This is because they don't study their religion and its sciences enough where they can distinguish between bad and good, between harmful and beneficial and between Halaal and Haraam.

The solution for this problem is to have the Muslim youth establish study groups with the scholars established in Masjids, schools and other places.  These sittings should address and clarify their problems, and clear the path in front of them.  Indeed, the scholars have a great responsibility towards the adolescents.

However, I bitterly say that there is a large gap between the scholars and the youth. The majority of the scholars are on one side and the youth are on the other. This is from among the things that harm the youth. Whenever the youth attach themselves to the scholars they gain clarity concerning their affairs.  On the other hand, whenever the youth are detached from the scholars this huge deterioration occurs.

Translated by: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah bin Dwight Battle

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