Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Fitnah of Doubtful Matters


Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Bin Abdillah Bin Baaz said:

 Fitnah also occurs due to following doubtful matters and the desire. How much fitnah occurred on many people due to them following doubtful matters that do not have any foundation, like it happened to the Jahmis the Mu’tazilis, the Shiats, and the Mur'jis and other than them from among the deviated sects of the people of innovation! They are tempted by doubts that misled them from the right path and took them out of the way of the Ahlus- Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah. So this became a Fitnah for them and for other than them, except those whom Allâh the Almighty favored.

And the only way of being safe from all kinds of Fitnah is by holding fast to the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallahu alayhi wa salaam)

        As it is narrated from Ali  from the Prophet (sallahu alayhi wa salaam), that he said:

 “There will be fitnah” they said: what is the way out O Messenger of Allâh ? He said: “The Book of Allâh; it contains the chronicle of those before you and the news of what is after you and the criteria of what is between you”[1].

And what is meant by Fitnah in the hadith includes the Fitnah of desire, doubts, war, innovations and all kinds of Fitnah; and there is no other way one can be safe from them except by seeking the understanding of the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allâh (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) , and by being well acquainted with the methodology of the predecessors of the Ummah from among the companions and whoever follow their footsteps from among the leaders of Islâm  and those who call to the guidance. And everything that the people speak with, adhere to and connect with at their time of peace and war and in all their affairs must be referred to the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallahu alayhi wa salaam)  . Allâh the Most High said:

“O you who believe! Obey Allâh and obey the Messenger [Muhammad [peace be upon him]] and those of you [Muslims] who are in authority. [And] if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allâh and His Messenger [peace be upon him], if you believe in Allâh and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination”.[2]

Meaning the best outcome and this is the only true way and the only true path.

Translated by Nuhu Abdullah

[1] Narrated by Tirmidhi [2906] and Ahmad [706] and Albani declared it weak in his compilation of weak hadith [74].

[2] An-Nisaa:59

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