Sunday, December 17, 2017

Now Selling On Esty...

As'Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

I just wanted to inform everyone that I have set up a shop on Esty so that I may have a way to sale our publications please follow the link and spread the word.

Barakallahu Feekum

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ramadhân Mûbarak!

Ramadhân Mûbarak!

“When the first Night of Ramadhân commences the gates of Jannah (i.e. Paradise) are opened, and none of them are closed; and the gates of Jahannam (i.e. the abode of Hell-fire) are locked and none of them are open, and the Shayâtîn (i.e. devils) are chained. Then a crier will call out: “O seeker of good, proceed” and “O seeker of evil, desist!” And unto Allâh are those whom He frees from the Fire and this is every night.”[1]

[1] Tirmidhî V,“Kitâb us-Sawm” ‘Chapter: What Has Arrived Regarding the Virtue of Ramadhân’, Hadith  no.682; Ibn Mâjah V, “Kitâb us-Siyâm” ‘Chapter: What Has Arrived Regarding the Virtue of the Month of Ramadhân’, no.1642.

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Month Sha'ban...

On Friday there is an Hour...

COMING SOON..."Warning from the Dangers of the Beauty Salon and the Hair Stylist"

Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club is happy to announce that they will be publishing the second edition of "Warning from the Dangers of the Beauty Salon and the Hair Stylist" 


New Publication In Stock The Virtue of Siyâm & Qiyâm during the Month of Ramadhân

As'Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh 

Brothers and Sisters, we at Al-Hujjah Publication are happy to announce the release of our joint publication with our sisters of Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club for the blessed month of Ramadhan. Please view the promo...  click on the image to Get Your Copy Today!!!...